working on the site and making entrys and loving being in the bedroom as a living space is warm and very nice. lots of work coming with working on several projects.
some changes in the site right now. a lot going on with myself and i do want to get back into being here and post a lot of things that i have posted a lot other places. like facebook and instagram so if i can get a lot of those links to the post and be able to repost them here than i am going to get on a collection spree here soon because i just want to keep it where i know where it is. looking good but i am going to work on it a lot more off line
so once again i am redoing the site. i got lost in the last coding to get this going so i am going to try and learn some other ways to add code. and work with my imvu and get that where i can do more here. codes codes codes. go to the codes and layouts page and get anything and everything you need for here and work on it make it right.
ok ok ok here it is. i have finally got a video editing software. i think it is really going to work for me. i want to use it for some videos for this site and youtube. so keep an eye out for posts with the edit done. i think i can do it. i am going to try anyway. this site is going to be added to the whole thing and it might just take off with everyone that wanted to join. i dont know though because if i let people join this i am opening myself up to letting everyone know the depths of my blog and it is somewhat personal when it comes down to it. so i just want to see where it goes. i might just have to make a site for everyone that is connected to that be a part of. that would be better but i cant get the ucoz creator area to do like i want it too.
my car and my bike. got the car primed for the most part. out front of the house. i can't wait to get the car done white and it is finished. i love my little car. I want to put a bike carrier on the back of the car, to carry the bike to far off places that i still want to get there and drive but it would be better to take it there than ride it all the way there sense it only goes so fast.
just love my bike too. this is something that is going to make me get sober. i want to be able to ride anytime and just can't do that if i am smoking out or drinking. So i am going to make some life changes because i know God wants me too.
just to change the top of the page. i don't care about the crap of the world although it freaks me out, i really don't want it posted here. this is my place where i care about things and those things are what matter....